FALC Real Estate

    Winterise the pool

    How to Winterize Your Pool - 5 Valuable Tips for Pool Owners

    Are you already the proud owner of a property with a pool in Mallorca? Even though it doesn’t get as cold in winter on this beautiful island as it does in Germany, it’s best to winterize your pool to be on the safe side.

    Should You Drain the Pool Water in Winter?

    No, an outdoor pool usually overwinters with water. This helps protect the pool from weather damage and dirt. However, it can be useful to drain part of the pool water to allow it to expand in case of frost.


    However, if the water freezes, it will expand and this can damage the pool.

    Looking for help with pool maintenance
    Do you have questions about property maintenance or are you looking for staff to winterize your pool? Feel free to contact us!

    5 Important Tips to Winterize Your Pool Safely:

    1. Reduce Pressure During Frost

    If there is a risk of frost, using ice pressure pads is advisable. These pads reduce the pressure on the pool.

    2. Cover the Pool

    The simplest and most effective method is to cover the pool. There are various solutions for this. The most cost-effective option is a pool tarp, which can be easily laid over the pool and secured from the outside. However, if the tarp is not properly secured, it can easily shift and lose its effectiveness. A safer but more expensive option is a roll cover. Reinforced with aluminum rods, this solution provides 100% protection. For maximum convenience, the roll cover can also be motorized, allowing the pool to be covered at the push of a button.


    If you are also looking for a child-safe and easy solution, then a motorized roll cover is the perfect choice to cover your pool in Mallorca. Even in summer, it protects against dirt and debris, even if you are away for several weeks.

    3. Store Accessories Safely

    In addition to covering the pool, you should also consider all related parts. For example, if you can easily remove the steps, doing so can prevent rust stains. The most important items to protect from frost, however, are technical accessories like filters or heat pumps. Dismantling these components is the safest option.

    4. Adjust the pH Level of the Water

    To reduce algae growth over the winter, the pool water should ideally have a pH level of 7.0 – 7.2 and a chlorine level of no more than 0.5 mg/l. You can also add winterizing chemicals. A higher chlorine level can cause the pool lining to bleach because chlorine degradation slows significantly when the pool is covered.

    5. Clean the Pool

    Even if your pool is already well-maintained, you should clean it again before the winter months. Removing any possible lime and dirt deposits will prevent unpleasant surprises after the winter season.


    If you consider all 5 tips, you won’t have to worry anymore. Even just following some of these tips can have a significant impact and protect you and your pool from major damage.

    Do you have any questions or need someone to winterize your pool for you? Feel free to contact us!